How many square miles are in Vermont is the latest gubernatorial hot topic.
The Republican Governors Association pulled out its first piece of weaponry in the campaign today with an email to media taking Democrat Deb Markowitz to task for a fundraising letter that asks supporters to give $1 for every one of Vermont's 9,351 square feet.
But wait, RGA spokesman Tim Murtaugh says:
In reality, Vermont’s geographic footprint is 9,609 square miles, according to the Vermont Department of Tourism & Marketing’s website and St. Michael’s College. Interestingly, Markowitz’s e-mail pitch differs in its description of Vermont’s size as compared to her own Secretary of State website’s Kids Pages, which claims the state to be 9,614 square miles.
But wait, Markowitz campaign manager Paul Tencher says:
The U.S. Census has another number: 9,250 square miles. It is pretty sad that while 6.4 percent of Vermonters are out of work, Republicans in Washington are attacking Deb for an email sent to supporters about how she will create jobs, while Brian Dubie and Jim Douglas continue to fail at this task. We are glad the RGA pays close attention to Deb's strong fundraising record though.
Which doesn't quite explain where the 9,351 figure came from.
Indeed, if you search the Interweb you will find many answers for Vermont square mileage, including 9,249, 9,615, 9.609. All of them seem to agree Vermont is bigger than New Hampshire.
- Terri Hallenbeck
Labels: Deb Markowitz, Republican Governors Association, vermont politics