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Political notes from Free Press staff writers Terri Hallenbeck, Sam Hemingway and Nancy Remsen



Gubernatorial candidates to meet

The five Democratic gubernatorial candidates have a couple of meetings together coming up.

There's a brunch Sunday at Browns River Middle School in Jericho. It's organized by local Democratic types. You have to RSVP and pay money to benefit House Democrats for the food, but anyone can go to the 12:30 p.m. forum. Professor Bill Wilson of St. Michael's College will moderate.

Then on Monday night, at the University of Vermont, a forum sponsored by Castleton State College, St. Michael's College and UVM features the candidates talking about education.
Chris Graff, vice president for communications at National Life of Vermont and longtime former chief of the Vermont bureau of the Associated Press, will moderate.

The candidates will be asked: "What issues do you identify as most important in order to assure the quality of education for all Vermont students, and how would you address them?"

That's from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Silver Maple Ballroom in the Davis Center and is open to anyone.

- Terri Hallenbeck


Gee, I'll bet at the education forum the 5 Dem candidates said, "We need to spend more taxpayer money on education!"

I wonder how many of them said, "We already have the highest per pupil spending in the nation and we get mediochre results, and we have a shrinking student population, and we have a very high property tax burden, so we need to consolidate school districts, reduce the number of teachers, have a statewide teacher contract, and halt the yearly teacher pay and benefit increases."

I wonder how many of the Dems said that?

Gee, it's funny how these so-called forums work.
Where's Dubie?
The current education funding law belongs to Douglas and the Republicans. Act 60 no longer exists.

Act 68 has three signatures: Republican Walter Freed, Speaker of the House; Lt Governor Brian Dubie, for the Senate; and Governor James Douglas.

Not that Douglas or Dubie will ever accept responsibility for their law. They and their supporters blame Democrats for the law they supported and passed.
Act 68 is not the problem. It was an attempt to get th best tax reduction deal possible through a Democratically-controlled legislature.

The problem is the VT NEA's naked greed and the Democratically-controlled legislature's fear of the VT NEA.
Act 60 still exists. Act 68 only modified Act 60 to eliminate the "shark tank" and split the grand list to provide for one statewide nonresidential property tax rate across the state. Act 60's statewide property tax ("sharing") and income sensitivity are still with us and have led to the explosive growth of per pupil spending over the past decade. The Democrat's own this one.
The 5 Democratic candidates for Governor should start a Globetrotter-like basketball team . . . then they could travel to high school gyms across the state, playing teams of local all-stars, amusing the crowds with their zany basketball tricks and crowd-pleasing antics.

MUCH more fun than a debate!
It's high time the Dems with their claims that this is a "crisis" and that is a "crisis" start saying that our ever-increasing property tax burden, because of their pandering to the NEA, are a real CRISIS...let's get going you NERDS

It ain't a crisis that we don't all have broadband Mr. Dunne
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