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Political notes from Free Press staff writers Terri Hallenbeck, Sam Hemingway and Nancy Remsen



Condos about to jump into Sec of State race

Former state Sen. Jim Condos is close to announcing he plans to run for secretary of state this year, he said Wednesday.

Condos, a Democrat who represented Chittenden County in the Senate and served as chairman of the South Burlington City Council, said he expects to make an announcement "one way or the other _ most likely the other _ soon."

Condos would face a primary with Montpelier lawyer Charles Merriman for the job being vacated by Democrat Deb Markowitz, who is running for governor. On the Republican side, Williston lawyer Chris Roy is running for the office.

Condos said he would take a leave of absence from his job as manager of government and community relations at Vermont Gas Systems Inc.

- Terri Hallenbeck 


Just one look at who this Merriman guy works with and it's easy to see why Condos needs to be in this race.
Run Jim -

Condos long local government stint, as well as knowledge of county and state government make him an ideal choice to be Secretary of State.
Jim = GOOD
Condos has the experience and the knowledge and will make a great Sec of State!
Will Annie be his manager?
That's uncalled for and unwarranted and you are probably part of the Douglas team or the GOP party apparatus - this is certainly their style!

Bet you wouldn't say that if you had to identify yourself.
Good luck with that!
Ever see the sign "Condos for Sale"?
Anonymous said... "Bet you wouldn't say that if you had to identify yourself."

...as you so clearly identified yourself.
GO Jim Condos!

You will make a great Secretary of State!
Jim is a nice guy but takes his marching orders from the far left special interest groups.
Sec of State shpould be non political... Jim does not pass that test.
The "Annie" reference may seem like dirty politix but she was with the Vt State Employees union while Condos Chaired the Senate Gov't Operations committee. That is VERY problematic. His influence seemed more directed to the state employees that to the taxpayers of VT
Charlie Merriman has been the attorney for the Town of Cabot (where I serve on the selectboard) for a number of years. In that capacity I have found that he has an extraordinary understanding of the problems faced by municipal officials on a daily basis. Furthermore, it has been my experience that Charlie has a knack for reducing complex issues to their simplest terms, and is an excellent communicator - all qualities required by the office, and some of the reasons why I am supporting him.
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