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vt.Buzz ~ a political blog

Political notes from Free Press staff writers Terri Hallenbeck, Sam Hemingway and Nancy Remsen



Civics at work

This week when a bunch of people walked to the Statehouse to urge legislators to vote against Vermont Yankee's continued operation some hailed it as democracy in action.

Indeed, there were signs that a civics lesson was at hand. Kids watched as their parents made an appeal to legislators.

And there were signs that civics lessons were needed. I overheard one adult ask another, "Are you a congressman?"

That's an odd question to hear in the Vermont Statehouse (since we only have one congressman and he's not usually there), so it prompted me to look up. The person she was addressing wasn't a congressman or a legislator. Seemed to be surprised to be mistaken for one. I didn't hear but hopefully someone clarified for the questioner that she was in the Statehouse not Congress. Walking to Washington would have taken a lot longer.

- Terri Hallenbeck


at least they are being honest not like someone else we know.
but it's the same mentality of the crowd that confuses the statehouse with congress that is anti-nuke in the first place. ignorance is bliss.
Right, because everyone is the same. Every person that is against Nukes doesn't know the difference. It's this type of ignorance that does not allow for an open and honest debate on the issue. Well that and the fact Entergy does not know how to tell the truth.
It doesn't surprise me in the least to hear that the touchy-feely, kumbayah-chanting, all-we-need-is-love people don't even know the difference between the Vermont Statehouse and Congress.

And this is after spending weeks and months planning on where they were going and why they were going there!

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