Watch out.
Some 500 women are walking through the streets of Vermont today with a little more confidence.
A roomful of mostly women heard from former White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers this morning in Burlington. She has written a book, Why Women Should Rule the World," and has concluded that the reason women should rule is the world would be a better place.
So if you look around your office today and see a few more women speaking up, that’s why.
It’s a title Myers admits is meant to be provocative. Don't worry. She’s not ready to exile men.
She sent the crowd away empowered with the fact that yes, women have something important to offer the business world and she got them thinking about the obstacles that have prevented them from sharing it.
She passed along a bit of advice for that moment in the meeting room that has happened to us all. You say something smart. Everybody ignores it. Three minutes later a man says the same thing and everybody loves the idea. Here’s what you do: You say, "I love the way you restated my idea, Richard. I think my idea, as restated by Richard, will work very well."
Myers, a Democrat who worked for President Clinton, even had a few good words to say for Republican Sarah Palin. A few bad words too, but none of them about her shoes, or her hair, or the choices she’s made for raising her children.
- Terri Hallenbeck