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Political notes from Free Press staff writers Terri Hallenbeck, Sam Hemingway and Nancy Remsen



Two years later

The Vermont Democratic Party headquarters is a bustling place, filled with volunteers working at tables, phones ringing. There's a lot on the line to make sure voters see things their way this fall when it comes to voting for presidential, gubernatorial, legislative candidates.

In the far corner one of the window offices is reserved for a candidate who has none of those worries. Peter Welch won't admit to dancing in the streets over not having a Republican opponent, but he is a much more relaxed man than he was two years ago. That much he will admit.

Welch, you will recall, scrapped his way to Congress in a tough race with Martha Rainville two years ago. Polls showed that he was trailing at one point, he now concedes. He ended up winning by a more comfortable margin than one might have guessed going in, but when he went to parades or shilled for votes on the streets two years ago, lots of people didn't know who he was and weren't all that interested in what he was trying to sell them, he said.

What a difference a title makes. It happened pretty much overnight. Once he'd won the election, people were a lot more willing to shake his hand. Now that he's been in office for almost two years, people are no longer ducking for cover when they see him coming.
Odd, isn't it? Apparently, we don't hate politicians. We hate people who are trying to become politicians.
Or is it that the balance has shifted and it's no longer Welch pandering for votes, but voters pandering for the congressman's attention?

- Terri Hallenbeck

"Voters pandering for the congressman's attention?"

Um, how about the media pandering to his every utterance. You know, kind of like this piece.

Here, here!
perhaps he's doing a good job for vermont
God forbid a journalist blogs about a US Congressman.
Uh, I still duck for cover.
I much prefered this Peter as Senate President Pro Tem than the current Peter. At least you could trust Welch
And I much prefer posters who know which end is up and possess even the minimal amount of initiative to come up with their own screen name and know what day it is, but since that's evidently beyond the scope of your formidable intellect, I'll settle for your ignorant anonymous ass producing a specific allegation against Shumlin, incident where he failed to keep his word and the evidence to back it up or are ignorant, anonymous cheap shots with bupkis, your business - your only business, little nameless-nitwit fella?

Gee, I'm shocked.

Always a pleasure.
You Vermonters go figure out how you are going to pay for gas and heating fuel while I and my buddies go on a 5 week vacation. These issues aren't important enough for us to hang around Washington.

"You Vermonters go figure out how you are going to pay for gas and heating fuel while I and my buddies go on a 5 week vacation. These issues aren't important enough for us to hang around Washington."

Nice try, nekkie boy.

Gop scum ruled the realm with an iron first for 6 years and did nothing. Gop scum incompetence gave us these energy prices.

Removing them from power, ending their disastrous policies and practices, holding them criminally responsible for their actions, inactions and gross negligence and
ridding the joint of their foul stench is the first step in the right direction.

Always a pleasure.
Go buy some wood for heat guys and live like the poor folks did 100 years.

In case you don't get it, the idea is to improve your quality of life not regress to survival tactics of the past.

Your pals Pelosi, Reid, et.al. really don't care that you have to pay nearly $300 for a cord of wood just to stay warm this winter. They think it is pretty neat because high oil prices and your suffering forces the hippy-dippy issues on their agenda.

Personally it scares me when a wingnut like Pelosi thinks her mission is to save the Planet. When I see her impacted like we are because of mis-managed energy policies in Congress, I will believe she is in touch with the regular guy and not just another airhead.

Exactly how ling has she been there and what has she really accomplished to-date?
How long has Bush been in office ??

What's Bush accomplished?

Oh, I see, nothing is his fault. Point fingers. Deny. Deny. Deny. That's the GOP way.
Anonymous said...

"Go buy some wood for heat guys and live like the poor folks did 100 years..."

Like the poor folks did 100 years...what, little factually-challenged/fundamentally-dishonest/nameless-nitwit fella?

Your ignorant anonymous ass really ought to establish the fact that ya can complete a "thought" before ya share it, little fella, so tell your neo-nazi nitwit fairy tales walkin' and take it where the climate suits your sheet, schmuck.

Hey Terri...

How about a blog about GOP hdqtrs - Go unannounced and see if anyone is even there - besides of course the nitwit Rob Roper or Jim Douglas' witch Dennise!
Yeah... Let's see, Jim Douglas says he is going to help average Vermonters by having the state hold seminars on how to can their vegetables - talk about pandering for a photo op!

This week the first canning workshop is Douglas' public appearance - but don't hold your breath about any of his fundraisers falling on the list.
Shumlin is always on vacation.
Peter Shumlin and his wife are lifelong residents (born and raised in VT) of Putney, Vermont.

Peter is a principle in his own successful family small business.
Anonymous said...

"Shumlin is always on vacation."

Really? And what would your ignorant anonymous ass have him be doing as we speak, little factually-challenged/fundamentally-dishonest fella?

I fully realize that, as a gop/gop apologist, reality is not your favorite place to hang, but, that's just too damned bad. I don't give a damn.

Shumlin is President Pro Tem of a Vermont Senate comprised of 23 Dems and 7 Gops. Failure to override Doogie's dimwitted vetoes aren't his fault.

If Vermont wanted him to roll over and rubber-stamp doogie's dimwitted delusional dreck, Shumlin wouldn't have a majority more than twice the size of the gop-slime caucus.

We don't. He does. Deal with it.

If Doogie honestly wants to change lanes and begin bargaining in good faith with the Legislature for the first time since he set up shop in the Pavilion, let him come to them, prove he's legit and take it from there.

Always a pleasure.
Thanks Jeffy.
Don't mention it, little nameless nitwit fella.
Hey Jeff W. Cooper. You're always having fits about others not posting their names but then you act like your being abused if anyone uses your name. Then there is the legion of other names you have posted under over at the Argus until they got around to banning you.

What's with that Jeff? Wouldn't that make you a "little nameless nitwit fella" too?

If you're too much of a coward to address this how about some new material instead of the usual childish rant. You are really getting boring Jeff. If all else fails maybe your wife could come up with a new act for you.

Will you ask her or shall we?
JWCOOP10 said..."Shumlin is President Pro Tem of a Vermont Senate comprised of 23 Dems and 7 Gops. Failure to override Doogie's dimwitted vetoes aren't his fault. "

There you go again Coopy...playing the victim. If it isn't a slam dunk then it isn't little Petey's fault that he can't override mean ol' Jim's veto. Get a clue. The measure of a real politican is one that can work across the aisle (much like McCain has done repeatedly) to get solid legislation passed. Overriding vetoes is not an entitlement but a task to be earned. The reason he fails is because he is unable to convince others that the bills are of sufficient merit to compel enough their support.

That is the problem with the State today. It has few qualified legislators capable of having an executable vision for the State and the ability to work with all parties to make it reality. Instead it is a hodge podge of farmers, shop owners and retirees in search of supplemental income and a hobby....Schumlin included.
Actually, as President Pro Tem of the Senate Shumlin has passed overrides of each of Douglas's vetos.

The over rides passed in the Senate with support from Democrats and Republicans.

So by your own criteria, Shumlin has done a good job.

He's passed the overrides and done so with bi-partisan support.
And Shumlin isn't a farmer, a shop owner or a retiree.
Peter Shumlin is a "born in VT" Vermonter and small businessman
Anonymous said...

"Hey Jeff W. Cooper. You're always having fits about others not posting their names but then you act like your being abused if anyone uses your name. Then there is the legion of other names you have posted under over at the Argus until they got around to banning you."

"So, apart from continually posting my name, address, phone number and repeatedly offering google map directions to our humble home, while spewing specious slop you can never substantiate and frequently can't spell over and over and over again, does your ignorant, anonymous ass have anything else to add, little fella?

In other words, you're still dumb, you're still scum and your ignorant anonymous ass has still got bupkis no matter what ya call yourself or where ya do it.

Thanks for clearin' that up, little fella.

"If you're too much of a coward to address this how about some new material instead of the usual childish rant. You are really getting boring Jeff. If all else fails maybe your wife could come up with a new act for you."

"Will you ask her or shall we?"

Once again, who is this "we" your ignorant anonymous ass claims to speak for, little fella?

As always, little nameless-nitwit fella, feel free to produce any and all examples demonstrating evidence of me disclosing the names, addresses and phone numbers of other posters and their family members over and over and over again while threatening to harass or harm those family members by name.

In other words, what you've done, yet again, in this pathetic post of yours I'm citing as we speak, schmuck.

Come on. Cough it up. Don't be shy, little fella. Knock yourself out.

In fact, feel free to have this ignorant, anonymous-trash, legion of loons you claim to speak for assist you in your efforts.

Gee, bupkis. I'm shocked.

Nice try, nitwit. Go cheney yourself, punk.

Always a pleasure.
So no new material just the usual Cooper slop.

Sad Jiffy, very sad.
Anonymous said...

""JWCOOP10 said..."Shumlin is President Pro Tem of a Vermont Senate comprised of 23 Dems and 7 Gops. Failure to override Doogie's dimwitted vetoes aren't his fault.""

"here you go again Coopy...playing the victim. If it isn't a slam dunk then it isn't little Petey's fault that he can't override mean ol' Jim's veto. Get a clue."

Thanks, as always, little fella, for that factually-challenged/utterly-psychotic, ignorant-trash take on the matter.

So, in the estimation of your ignorant anonymous ass, simply stating the facts and displaying an understanding of the mechanics of government and how it works is playing the victim, eh, little factually-challenged /fundamentally-dishonest/delusional-dreck-dealin' fella?

I can see why your ignorant anonymous ass and the we it continually claims to speak for feels the need to post anonymously. All things considered, you've made the right decision, deducebag.

If I was as fookin' stupid as you and the psychotic scum society that's retained you as its spokes-model, I wouldn't want anyone to know who the hell I am or where I lived, either.

"The measure of a real politican is one that can work across the aisle (much like McCain has done repeatedly) to get solid legislation passed."

"..Overriding vetoes is not an entitlement but a task to be earned. The reason he fails is because he is unable to convince others that the bills are of sufficient merit to compel enough their support."

Evidently, you're not from around here, little fella.

Moreover, you've made it abundantly clear that you don't understand our system of government, how it works, the roles of the three branches, their duties and responsibilities or the limitations placed on them, so I'll speak slowly, use small words whenever and wherever possible and endeavor to dumb it down as much as possible and explain it to your ignorant anonymous ass. Again.

It's like this, little fella, Shumlin is Senate President Pro Tempore. He is responsible for the Senate. He has no authority or role in the House.

Once again, no efforts to override doogie's dimwitted vetoes have fallen short because Shumlin has failed to deliver the super majority needed to override doogie's vetoes. None. Zip. Nada. Bupkis.

Then again, given the Senate's composition, it'd be kinda hard for him not to deliver the necessary Senate votes required to override a gubernatorial veto.

The Legislature fell short in their efforts to override doogie's vetoes because they came up as little as one vote short in the House.

Of course, unlike Shumlin, Symington never had a veto-proof majority in the House. Hopefully, that situation will be remedied in November.

Again, that's not Shumlin's fault. He held up his end and delivered the necessary votes in the Senate. That's all he can do.

Mike Lowell can't be faulted for not reaching over the bullpen fence in right to rob an opposing player of a home run. His job is to play third base and bat 5th. You can't blame him if the rightfielder loses a fly ball in the Sun and turns a catchable ball into a 3-run homer for the opposition.

Again, the override efforts failed because Symington came up a vote or two short in the House. There's nothing Shumlin can do about that.

Again, if your ignorant anonymous ass possessed even the rudiments of a 7th Grade Civics Class understanding of government, your ignorant anonymous ass would know that.

"That is the problem with the State today. It has few qualified legislators capable of having an executable vision for the State and the ability to work with all parties to make it reality."

Nice try. What's wrong with government in this State today is that we've got incompetent gop trash in the Pavilion because ignorant anonymous trash with bupkis who don't possess so much as a rudimentary 7th grade understanding of government or the issues keeps reelecting him.

Adult Basic Ed, little fella. Look into it before Doogie cuts it.

Always a pleasure.

"So no new material just the usual Cooper slop.

Sad Jiffy, very sad."

Yeah, but it's not like your ignorant anonymous ass is capable of anything more, little fella.

That said, you've got as much right to spew your delusional dreck here as any other member of the ignorant, anonymous-trash community. That's what this Country is all about, little fella.

Always a pleasure.

"Hey Jiffy.

I see the Argus yanked one of your hissy fits from their site. Are you going to call them a bunch of names to show them who's boss now?"

Nah, evidently the ignorant, anonymous-trash, noneskull community showed up on their doorstep a week ago and haven't stopped bawlin' since. You swine never did like it when somebody called ya on your ignorant slop and smacked ya back now, did ya, little jerry?

Well, they always did take the path of least resistance over there, little jerry slimeball.

No matter. I'm just as content to have your ignorant anonymous ass post my name and address or harass and threaten my wife on behalf of the society of psychotic scum every 30 seconds here as anywhere else. You're gonna be ignorant trash with bupkis no matter where ya go, what ya call yourself or where ya do it.

You're nothin' if not consistently nothin', little fella.

Besides, I'm sure you noneskulls are much happier to post your psychotic slop with impunity on the TA board. You none nitwits always fared much better without any opposition. You could even score occasionally when ya had the field to yourselves.

"You have not been pumping out the Yiddish profanity like you used to. Family cutting off the $$ if you pull that bigoted behavior?"

In other words, callin' the lunatic-fringe likes of your ignorant anonymous ass on your delusional dreck.

To the contrary, they're never troubled by me knockin' nameless, neo-nazi nitwits from pillar to post. Truth be told, I'm the patient, easy-goin' one in the family, little fella.

Shalom, schmuck.
Ah perrrrrrr-fessa Jiffy:

Jerry is the other guy.

Now let's see some of the threats you keep claiming I've made.

Yeah that's what I thought.

Our Jiffy has what he is, a big fat ZERO.

Look at the bright side Jiffy. At least we have not caught on that you are Jest, BS or any of your other identities. You're just to slick for us ol' pal.


"Ah perrrrrrr-fessa Jiffy:

Jerry is the other guy."

Sure, he is, schmuck. Sure, he is.

Now let's see some of the threats you keep claiming I've made.

Ya mean the ones that your ignorant anonymous ass has been braggin' about here for the past couple of weeks, little jerry?

Nah, I'm content with the list you've compiled and the evidence you've produced, little fella.

I see no reason to pile on your ignorant anonymous ass, little jerry.

"Our Jiffy has what he is, a big fat ZERO."

Not as long as I've got you, Babe.

"Look at the bright side Jiffy. At least we have not caught on that you are Jest, BS or any of your other identities."

Speaking of psychotic slop with no supporting evidence. Gee, your ignorant anonymous ass is right outta central casting, little jerry.

"You're just to slick for us ol' pal."

Well, given the fact that 40-grit sandpaper is too slick for your ignorant anonymous ass, little jerry, it'd be kinda hard not to be too slick for ya.

Always a pleasure.

You can show yourself out. One of the servants will show you where they enter and exit.
Everything still asses with you eh Jiffy?

"Everything still asses with you eh Jiffy?"

Just the ignorant anonymous ones, little jerry. This joint is as thick with 'em as your clueless cabeza, little fella.

Always a pleasure.

Ya got any more cupcakes ya wanna toss me so I can dent the Citgo Sign with 'em or has your ignorant anonymous ass gotten it outta your system.

Always a pleasure.
Hey Jiffy the clueless.

Here's your first clue:

You've proven yourself to be an idiot time and time again. I doubt you're even fooling yourself at this point.

Give up little man.

In other words, little jerry slimeball, you're still dumb, you're still scum and your ignorant ass has still got bupkis.

Thanks for clearin' that up, little fella.

Always a pleasure.
Here's your second clue oh clueless one:

Jerry just like to point out it's you. I like to point out what a worthless cowardly pile of manure you are.

No job no hope of one ever. That's out Jiffy.

Pretending he is the big deal when he can't even get his act together enough to get away from playing the troll on his computer. That's our Jiffy.

I'd like everyone in the state to know just what sort of slime you are Coopsy.

If you some how managed to face up to it yourself I'd be even more thrilled. Not going to happen though.

The only one who believes your lies is that worthless, fat slob, Jeffrey W. Cooper.


If any of you good people have anything you'd like to add to Jiffys praises or call him at 223-1098.

Go have a few more drinks Cooper. Maybe it will help you forget what a waste of blubber you are.
Anonymous ...

"Jerry just like to point out it's you. I like to point out what a worthless cowardly pile of manure you are."

"Jerry", eh?

Ah, so your ignorant anonymous ass is talking to yourself in your delusional-dreck posts that are supposed to be directed to me now, too, eh, little jerry?

Ya might want to consult your physician on that.

"I'd like everyone in the state to know just what sort of slime you are Coopsy."

And your ignorant anonymous ass "thinks" anonymously posting my name, address, phone, e-mail address over and over and over again while periodically threatening to harass or harm my wife with your free hand from the sanctity of your mother's basement and revealing what stupid, psychotic slime you are in the process is the best way to accomplish your goal, eh, little fella?

That's why your ignorant anonymous ass is your ignorant anonymous ass, little jerry.

Always a pleasure.
You still have not come up with those supposed threats you keep claiming I made Jiffy.

I guess you have not been able to convert your lies into reality. Like I said before Jeff, the only one who believes your lies is you.

I have work to do so I can't play with you righ now so you'll just have to keep on playing with yourself.

"You still have not come up with those supposed threats you keep claiming I made Jiffy."

That's because your ignorant anonymous ass made them here and saved me the trouble, little jerry.
You've always been very thoughtful that way.

"I guess you have not been able to convert your lies into reality. Like I said before Jeff, the only one who believes your lies is you."

Sure thing, little nameless-nitwit fella. Sure thing.

"I have work to do so I can't play with you righ now so you'll just have to keep on playing with yourself."

Ah, so your ignorant anonymous ass is gonna spew psychotic slop and continually post the name, address, phone, e-mail address while anonymously threatening the wife or husband of another poster from another forum now, too, eh?

You're one gutsy nameless-nitwit with bupkis, little jerry slimeball.

Your back must be killin' ya from draggin' those big brass things around all the time, little fella.

Always a pleasure.
Coops sexist, He always says little fella. Grow up "Coop" douche
"Ah, so your ignorant anonymous ass is gonna spew psychotic slop and continually post the name, address, phone, e-mail address while anonymously threatening the wife or husband of another poster from another forum now, too, eh?"

Are you not sure if you have a wife or a husband Coop?

You are losing it fast bro.

"Coops sexist, He always says little fella. Grow up "Coop" douche"

Ah, so that's gender-specific enough for ignorant anonymous trash with bupkis, eh, little fella?

Gee, that's a shame.

Call a cop, punk.
"Ah, so your ignorant anonymous ass is gonna spew psychotic slop and continually post the name, address, phone, e-mail address while anonymously threatening the wife or husband of another poster from another forum now, too, eh?"

"Are you not sure if you have a wife or a husband Coop?"

Evidently, reading comprehension ain't your strong suit, either, little jerry. Your ignorant anonymous ass is rapidly runnin' outta suits, little fella.

The lunatic-fringe likes of you'd better latch on to somethin' pronto.

Clearly, spewin' psychotic slop you can't substantiate and frequently can't spell while continually posting the names, addresses, etc, of other posters and threatening to harass or harm their spouses is the only line of work your ignorant anonymous ass is suited for, little fella. Still, even I thought ya had other clients, little fella. I never expected your ignorant anonymous ass to make me your life's work.

I'm almost flattered to know that you've made continually posting my name and threatening my wife by name, etc, while spewing your frequently-misspelled psychotic slop your whole raison d'etre.

Everyone needs a reason to get outta bed in the morning and I'm happy to be the justification for your pathetic, little jerry slimeball existence, little fella.

As long as ya think you're scarin' me off, ya can't be botherin' others, so I'm happy to keep your ignorant anonymous ass occupied.

It's like a neighborhood watch sorta thing, little fella.

Always a pleasure.
So you think I'm Jerry Tarrant now, right Jer?

"So you think I'm Jerry Tarrant now, right Jer?"

That's a question only the ignorant anonymous trash in your mirror can answer, little fella.

Always a pleasure.
""So you think I'm Jerry Tarrant now, right Jer?"

That's a question only the ignorant anonymous trash in your mirror can answer, little fella."

So if I ask you a question about your thought (for lack of a better term)and you say I am the only one who can answer it that means I am you?

How did you come up with that Jerry?
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