The Legislature gaveled on out of the Statehouse at about 4:30 p.m. amid a tone of peace, love and understanding.
Gov. Jim Douglas ducked into each chamber, gave a short speech in which he mostly complimented them on the session. Then he ducked out of town. None of the usual press conference though spokesman Jason Gibbs had said there would be some sort of media session.
Legislators declared there would be no veto session. If the governor vetoes Vermont Yankee decommissioning they'll appeal to the voters in November to decide who was right, said Senate President Pro Tempore Peter Shumlin.
Easy for him to say. House Speaker Gaye Symington is likely the one who will be trying to appeal to voters. She said she's not seeking re-election to her House seat. Said she won't decide until after she's had a chance to take a few deep breaths whether she'll run for governor. Wouldn't say how long those deep breaths might take.
Shumlin, however, said she'll run. Easier for him to say.
- Terri Hallenbeck