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Political notes from Free Press staff writers Terri Hallenbeck, Sam Hemingway and Nancy Remsen



Pollina to Carleton

The back and forth continues between Progressive gubernatorial candidate Anthony Pollina and Democratic leadership. Here's Pollina's recent letter responding to a letter from Democratic Party Chairman Ian Carleton on the D's state committee decision to not to meet with Pollina -- at least not yet.

Dear Ian,

Thanks for the summary of the recent meeting of the Democratic State Committee. What I understand from you and others is there was a healthy and lengthy discussion of my request to meet with the committee and questions about how we may or may not work together to defeat Jim Douglas.

It seems the questions are much the same as those raised and answered at meetings I have had with Democrats and others around the state.

For example, local campaigns. The question as I understand it, is whether -- once supported by the Democratic Party -- I would support Progressive challengers over progressive-minded Democrats in races where both were involved. The short answer is no. More importantly, I hope the State Committee recognizes these circumstances are unlikely in the first place. For years, Progressive and Democrats have done a good job of dealing with local races (generally, I believe, without the involvement of gubernatorial candidates) and those involved are much better prepared than I to go over that history. And, as you may know, recently elected Progressives have generally had the support of local Democrats, leading me to conclude that local folks have done a good job of working these things out.

We are separate parties, but I believe our shared interests are being so badly thwarted by the current governor that cooperation is needed. I have told you and others that a strong coalition effort in the governor's race would build stronger cooperation at the local level. While I do not see my role as micro-managing local campaigns, I would certainly work to encourage this cooperation. And I cannot help but note that even at this early date there is a Democratic challenger to Progressive incumbents in Burlington. I look forward to supporting the incumbents in that race -- just so we are clear.

It is interesting to me that while the State Committee chose not to invite me at this time, these questions continue to be fodder through websites and other media. I fully appreciate that this discussion needs to take place, but I do not believe the best way to move forward is through the media, online or otherwise.

I continue to think that questions like those raised at your meeting are best resolved with a face-to-face sit down. As such, I continue to look forward to meeting with the State Committee or any of its members who are interested.

Anthony Pollina

-- Nancy Remsen


Since Anthony said, "I do not believe the best way to move forward is through the media, online or otherwise."

I need to ask, did you get this letter from Pollina or from Carleton?

Pollina dealt with only one of several issues in Carleton's letter. Pollina ignored his past attacks on Democrats, suing the Democratic party, etc.

Pollina also carefully phrased his response by writing that he would not support Progressive candidates over progressive-minded Democrats. Who decides if a Democratic candidate is "progressive-minded" enough to suit Pollina? Only one person -- Anthony Pollina.

Pollina cannot win -- with or without the support of Democrats. He can only find a soapbox and divert enough votes to guarantee Douglas' re-election. This will give him more "credentials" as a political commentator -- and martyr to Democrats who wouldn't support him -- when he resumes his radio show after the election.

Pollina's sole purpose is self-promotion. He continues to torpedo the chances of any candidate who might be able to mount a real fight against Douglas this year. Nice going Anthony.
Vote Colby in the Prog Primary!
You think Colby can beat Douglas?

Get real.
I can hardly wait for the first debate. My prediction, three shouting matches with the crowd, 2 fist fights and an arrest.
I can see the Dream ticket....Colby and COOP
Tony P took the milk money and ran >>>>>>>>>>>
Imagine what Pollina would be saying if the Cabot Creamery stopped paying its farmers? He'd be out front picketing, and understandably, too. But when he bilks his farmers we're supposed to feel sorry for him (not them) because of the "market downturn." Enough already.
Interesting piece on VPR today about the Vermont Milk Company.


Here's a quote from Pollina about Vt Milk's financial problems: "(Pollina) "I think what it's a reflection of is a very tumultuous economy that we are all doing our best to survive in. I do think that it's a dose of real life experience that I actually think is for me, an important part of who I am.''

Can Tony the Pro do any better running the state than running Vermont Milk Company?
If Jimmy Douglas can manage this state, I believe an orangutan could as well. So, yes, Pollina could.
I can't imagine how anyone who looks down his nose at businesses the way he does could ever operate a legitimate one successfully.

How NOT surprised am I that his little free-enterprise endeavour is about to tank? And how NOT surprised am I that the people who will feel the biggest sting from their 'business' relationship with AP (the FARMERS) are the same people he's always trying to take credit for helping?
It must be a very confusing world when your so-called principles constantly come into conflict with each other.
Don't improvise Anthony, just blame the market!
Maybe with some more grant money or a subsidy you hang on for a little while longer....
And why haven't we read about this Milk Company fiasco in the Free Press? VPR is reporting that a sugar-daddy or momma just gave Pollina's company $200,000 for the short term. Hmm, to make all this go away until after election season? So, let me get this straight, Mr. Clean Election-Campaign-Finance-Reform is accepting an anonymous check for $200,000 to keep his milk company afloat during campaign season. Nice.
Nice to see the blososphere paying attention to Pollina. Maybe there's hope yet!
Hope for what?
A Bush/McCain/Matthews free world.
Yeah JW lets replace them with Oslima Obama, Tony "the milk money man" Pollina and Reverand Wrong that will be just ducky for you and your whacked out comrades in the smoke filled rooms of Burlington.
Anonymous said...

Yeah JW lets replace them with Oslima Obama, Tony "the milk money man" Pollina and Reverand Wrong that will be just ducky for you and your whacked out comrades in the smoke filled rooms of Burlington.

Ya mean the vast majority of Vermonters who voted for Obama and against your ignorant trash agenda on TM Day, little factually-challenged fella?

Nice try, schmuck.

Again, feel free to produce all those pro-Pollina comments of mine, little factually-challenged/lyin'-slime with bupkis fella.

That's what I thought.

Gee, ignorant trash with bupkis makin' bogus allegations they can't substantiate and frequently can't spell. What are the odds.

The Dems said Pollina can apply for the gig like anybody else.

If he's got a problem with that, he's the one with the problem.

Anthony Pollina's sole contribution to Vermont Political Life is introducing the lunatic-fringe lamprey that is Brian Dubie into the Vermont Bloodstream. End of flippin' story.

Neither Pollina or any other Prog running as a third-party candidate in a 3-person race has done anything but help gops and hurt Dems.

That is why Anthony Pollina remains the great white hope of the dim gop dopes of VT Gop politics.
The dream team...Colby and Coop. The looniest VT has to offer.
Go Colby!

Who is running for the other statewide offices?
All anonymous nitwit-nonsense, all the time.
jw - get some help!
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Pollina to Carleton":

"jw - get some help!"

In other words, ya got no case, no clue and no answer. Gee, I'm shocked.

Thanks, little fella, but as long as I'm dealin' with the factually-challenged/fundamentally-dishonest, ignorant, anonymous-swine likes of you, I'm unlikely to break a sweat.

jw coop for Lt Governor
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