Recogning the unscientific nature of the survey that Sen. Bill Doyle asks folks attending town meetings to fill out, the results are nevertheless interesting.
Here are the responses in percentages based on a count of 6,800 surveys. He expects eventually to tally more than 11,000.
Should drivers be
prohibited from using cell phones while driving?
y: 70 %
n: 22 %
not sure: 8 %
Do you support same-sex marriage?
y: 54%
n: 37%
not sure: 7%
Should Vermont take the lead in addressing climate change?
y: 64%
n: 24%
not sure: 12%
Should Vermont lease its lottery?
y: 6%
n: 74%
not sure: 20%
Are you optimistic about Vermont's economy?
y: 33%
n: 44%
not sure: 23%
Do you support the legalization of hemp?
y: 55%
n: 32%
not sure:13%
Should jail time be removed for the possession of one ounce of marijuana?
y: 65%
n: 26%
not sure: 9%
Do you support a four-year-term for governor?
y: 62%
n: 30%
not sure: 8%
Do you support a four-year-term for legislators?
y: 43%
n: 47%
not sure: 10%
Should Vermont Yankee's license be renewed in 2012?
y: 43%
n: 30%
not sure:27%
Should the gas tax be increased to improve our roads and bridges?
y: 31%
n: 51%
not sure: 18%
Do you believe the Vermont Legislature is doing a good job?
y: 41%
n: 33%
not sure: 26%
Do you believe Gov. Douglas is doing a good job?
y: 42%
n: 38%
not sure: 20%
Presidential preferences: (these are actual counts, not percentages)
Hilary Clinton: 1419
Barack Obama: 2,708
Huckabee: 274
John McCain: 1,095
Obviously, based on presidential preferences, you can get a sense of who was filling out these surveys. Still, how closely do you think these self-selected respondents reflect public opinion on each of these issues?