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Political notes from Free Press staff writers Terri Hallenbeck, Sam Hemingway and Nancy Remsen



Bartlett calls the middle

Sen. Susan Bartlett made her most direct effort yet to cast herself as the lone moderate in the race for governor.

In an e-mail to those on her campaign's e-mail list, she said of her opponents (Democrats and Republican): "One speaks of strength. One speaks of changing everything. One says Montpelier is grid-locked. One wants to raise taxes. One would continue to gut state government."

She seeks to lay claim to the middle and says: "It is time for the middle to rise up."

She is pointed about the Democratic Party's past candidates.
"Since Howard Dean we have had to choose between a liberal and a conservative. Douglas and Racine. Douglas and Parker. Douglas and Clavelle. Douglas and Symington or Pollina. This time moderates have a choice for governor that reflects our values. Fiscal responsibility and balance."

As proof of her status as a moderate she points to Seven Days recent legislative survey (without noting the dismal participation rate the survey received), which found her "most knowledgeable," "best informed" and "stingiest" of legislators.

And she notes her stance on Vermont Yankee in which she objected to the timing of this month's vote.

Does Bartlett rightly lay claim to being the most moderate of the candidates?

- Terri Hallenbeck

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Attacking her fellow Dems for being "too liberal" ... hmm ... sounds just like Jim Douglas and Brian Dubie. I think that I'll vote for a Dem who isn't attacking other Dems.
Bartlett is a weather vane. Which way is the wind blowing today?
The Democratic Party of Vermont does NOT tolerate moderates - they will show her the door. They gave Markowitz the key to everything and left Bartlett hanging. If she really is moderate she will not be tolerated.
David Zuckermann for state senate!!
Yes. She is unfairly and inaccurately cast as a tax and spend liberal. She is moderate which by the way, is not a good thing when you are trying to win a primary.
Doug Racine should be the nominee. He's the only one who can beat Dubie.
Anthony Pollina for Governor!
Bartlett can't be trusted - she tells everyone that there is no money but somehow the funds are there for her "chosen" projects - usually in her county!
Wow. She does? Sorta like we like it when Welch, Leahy and Sanders bring back Washington pork barrel spending when the US Govt is out of money. Or is that okay?
She needs to shake her legislative jargon which is her personal ball and chain.
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