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Political notes from Free Press staff writers Terri Hallenbeck, Sam Hemingway and Nancy Remsen



Three names recommended for Sen. Hull Maynard's seat

Rutland County Republicans met last night and picked Rep. Peg Flory, R-Pittsford, as their top choice to fill the seat that Sen. Hull Maynard has vacated. Maynard has resigned with a year to go in his term. Flory has been in the House since 1999.

Flory was the first choice of the gathering of about 100 Rutland area Republicans, with William Meub their second choice and former Rep. Tom Depoy their third choice.

All three names will be sent to Gov. Jim Douglas, ranked, said Bradford Broyles, chairman of the Rutland County Republican committee. "All three are very solid, well qualified, with a wealth of no only life experience, but political experience," Broyles said.

Douglas has said he would like to appoint a replacement for Maynard before the legislative session begins on Jan. 5. He will conduct interviews prior to making his selection. He isn't bound by the recommendations from the local committee, but often respects local preferences.

If the choice is Flory, another legislative seat opens up. Pittsford Republicans would have to hustle to forward candidates to Douglas to have someone seated by the time the Legislative opened.

Any thoughts about a Sen. Flory? Would she change the dynamics in the Senate?

-- Nancy Remsen

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Peg Flory would bring a bit more moderate vote to the Senate than Hull Maynard did. Otherwise, it is all about the same.
News on the street is TJ Donovan will challenge AG Bill Sorrell - anybody else hearing this?
Peg will be great!
Good Luck to Peg Flory - it will be a tough session and the state needs her input
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