Gov. Jim Douglas will shortly take a seat on a sofa or chair in the famous Oval Office to talk with President Barack Obama -- one-on-one -- about the economic
stimulus package. WOW.
He was going to DC anyhow to meet with Vermont's congressional delegation about the package and to make the rounds with a few other senators, I think, to talk up the need for a stimulus package -- now -- with as few strings attached as possible. He's also giving a speech on electronic technology in health care.
Douglas is the vice chairman of the National Governors Association. He noted last week that he and most other governors, regardless of political party, support the various versions of stimulus under consideration because they could help states get out of some big troubles. Without help, states will be doing things that certainly won't help the economy, I think Douglas will point out to some fellow Republicans who serve in Congress.
Apparently the sit down with Obama didn't materialize until over the weekend. Word went out late Sunday -- with only a few minutes to spare before our deadline. Douglas met Obama in December at an
NGA event and reported that Obama had told him (Douglas) he must be one heck of a politician to win re-election as a Republican in a very blue state.
Below I printed the test of the White House announcement about
Obama's Monday's schedule. I love the line about "pool spray."
"President Barack Obama will attend the Presidential Daily Briefing, the Daily Economic Briefing and a meeting with senior
advisors tomorrow morning in the Oval Office. These meetings are closed press. Late morning, President Obama will meet with Governor Douglas of Vermont in the Oval Office to discuss the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. There will be a pool spray at the top of the meeting.
In the afternoon, President Obama and Vice President
Biden will meet with Secretary Gates in the Oval Office. This meeting is closed press. Later, President Obama and Vice President
Biden will meet with Congressional Leadership in the Roosevelt Room. This meeting is closed press."
BuZZ will update later after hearing from Douglas about his private conversation with Obama. Do they drink coffee together? Talk about the weather first? Politics? Or is it just the business at hand?
-- Nancy