Hold onto your seats while I prepare you for this news: Peter Galbraith is not running for governor.
Galbraith, the former ambassador to Croatia who has a home in Townshend, was the Democratic candidate-in-thinking for a few months this winter until House Speaker Gaye Symington took over that role.
On the eve of Symington's campaign kickoff, Galbraith announced what has been clear for a while now: He's not running and is supporting Symington.
"I've already written her a check," he said Sunday.
At the recent Democratic Party dinner at which Symington gave a sort-of practice announcement speech and Democrats practiced rallying for Symington, she sat next to Galbraith at a table he had sponsored.
The Democratic Party ended up doing a pretty good job of keeping their faithful (and the media) placated while they came up with a candidate. Last fall, party officials were wilting under the strain of people questioning why they didn't have a gubernatorial candidate.
They finally came up with the names Matt Dunne, John Campbell and Doug Racine, and tossed those names out every time anybody asked that question. When those people stopped saying they were even vaguely considering a run, they came up with Galbraith.
Galbraith made an interesting and yet odd possible candidate. Tremendous international experience, so much so that when Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, Galbraith's attention was completely diverted. He was a personal friend. That didn't quite add up to someone who was ready to buckle down for a Vermont gubernatorial race.
Indeed, Galbraith said he will focus most of his attention on the international hotspots that happen to be his areas of expertise. But he also says he'll be active in national and Vermont politics.
Galbraith put out this statement Sunday:
I will be supporting Gaye Symington to become Vermont's next governor.
Gaye's thoughtful approach to bringing people together and crafting concrete, responsible solutions is exactly what Vermonters need in Montpelier. We face big challenges in Vermont. Our state is less affordable than it was six years ago, we don't have the jobs we need, too many Vermonters have unmet health care needs, and we are not the leader on the environment and energy that we should be.
As a legislator and the Speaker of the Vermont House, Gaye Symington has fought for working Vermonters. She is exactly the leader we need for the difficult economic times we now face.
Given challenges the United States faces in the the countries I know best--including Iraq, Iran and Pakistan-- I have decided that this should be my focus in 2008. I will be working to help elect a Democratic President as well as on how to restore American leadership and prestige after eight years of reckless policies and ill-conceived actions.
I will remain actively involved in public life in Vermont including doing all I can to help elect Gaye Symington Governor.
- Terri Hallenbeck