It's hard not to laugh out loud when you first spot the new look that Rep. David Zuckerman is sporting.
The "pony-tailed Prog" became the "bald-headed Burlington rep" this week. He raised about $3,000 and 35 inches of hair for chairty in the process.
Zuckerman sought per-inch pledges from the Statehouse crowd to raise money for four youth services organizations around Vermont. Enough money came in so that Zuckerman lost it all. Rep. Denise Barnard, the Richmond Democrat whose real job is as a hairdresser, did the honors Tuesday.
The 35 inches of hair will go to Locks of Love, an organization that provides hair for children with hair-loss diseases.
On the House floor Wednesday, Rep. Bud Otterman, R-Topsham, offered Zuckerman a ball cap with a main of hair attached "because he sure looks cold."
Oddly enough, Zuckerman said the new lack of 'do made his head sweat overnight. There's a lot about having a shaved head that takes some getting used to. His winter hat clings to his head in a sand-papery way. And people have a way of laughing out loud at first sight of it. He takes it well, though.
- Terri Hallenbeck