There on the front page of your morning newspaper today you'll see the new logo that the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce has chosen for Burlington. You can see it here too, as a matter of fact.
As I was walking up my driveway with the paper this morning, it struck me that it looked sort of like Burlington in the midst of a tsunami. The buildings are wobbling on waves. I can assure you that Burlington's buildings remain firmly planted in the ground today.
What do you all make of it?
This logo goes along with the slogan referring to Burlington as "The West Coast of New England."
It doesn't seem easy to come up with a killer logo or slogan, though when a good one comes around it sticks. ("I'm stuck on Band-Aid brand cuz Band Aid's stuck on me" is with us for life, New York's "What a great vacation" may not be with you but I think it's going to be taking up valuable space in my memory banks for some time to come).
With this logo or slogan stick? Does it have to be sung as a tune to have staying power?
- Terri Hallenbeck