A Rasmussen report on a poll on Vermont's U.S. Senate race started out this way:
"Longtime Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy is comfortably on his way to a seventh term in Washington so far."
Republican challenger Len Britton took that as good news. When Britton saw the poll Monday he wasn't focused on those comments, he was looking at the number of people who said flat out without knowing who his opponent might be would vote against veteran U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.
33 percent is that number. Britton, a Woodstock businessman, thought that was a good place to start.
The poll also found 58 percent would vote for Leahy.
Never mind, too, that Rasmussen's report said, "
No major Republican candidate has entered the race. Businessman Len Britton, a political newcomer, is the only declared GOP Senate candidate thus far."
Rasmussen also said that Leahy "clears an important early hurdle for an incumbent. At this early stage of a campaign, incumbents who earn less than 50% of the voter are considered potentially vulnerable."
Rasmussen also found:
- Male voters in the state break close to even between Leahy and the generic Republican, but women voters give the Democrat 67% support.
- Voters not affiliated with either major party prefer Leahy by a 49% to 36% margin.
- While a bare majority (52%) of Vermont voters think it would be better for the country if most incumbents in Congress were defeated this November, 51% say their local representative deserves reelection.
The poll was conducted March 18 of 500 likely voters, with a margin of error 3 percentage points.
There's more
HERE.- Terri Hallenbeck
Labels: Len Britton, Sen. Patrick Leahy, vermont politics