House Speaker Gaye Symington has decided to leave the veto session on the July 11 date, she announced this morning. It seems Minority Leader Steve Adams' opposition to changing the date pulled some weight.
I'm sure you've read about how she considered delaying the veto session two months to Sept. 11. If not, click
HERE or go out and plunk 50 cents down at your favorite little store and settle with the print edition.
Five Democrats can't make it July 11, Symington says. That's four more than weren't there for the last veto override vote - on the budget adjustment bill in April. She said she wanted to make sure as many people as possible could be there.
She will take heat for even considering the move. An override on the energy bill would be tough to pull off no matter when the session is held. The campaign finance bill, though, might be a different story. Can the Democrats pull that one off.
- Terri Hallenbeck