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vt.Buzz ~ a political blog

Political notes from Free Press staff writers Terri Hallenbeck, Sam Hemingway and Nancy Remsen



They (heart) Vermont

For what it's worth, an unscientific online poll conducted by the popular lefty blog Daily Kos has found that people around the country see Vermont as the most New England of the six states in the region.

The question, asked on a DK Wednesday thread, was "Which of these states most epitomizes New England to you? The results, based on 9,942 responses as of Thursday morning, was as follows:

Vermont 3,424
Massachusetts 3.136
Maine 1,380
New Hampshire 1,174
Connecticut 546
Rhode Island 282

Not bad for the state with the smallest population of the six states. Or maybe that's exactly what makes the state seem more New Englandy than the rest. Or maybe it means absolutely nothing.

Your take?

-- Sam Hemingway

Sam, it seems that you read that lefty blog a lot. What do you like about it? Do you read Redstate.com as much Daily Kos?
It means absolutely nothing.
That poll is useless.
That poll is as useless as the impeachment movement.
Why are the timestamps an hour off? Not a big deal but shouldn't be too hard to fix.
The poll is as useless as George Bush's word.
Dick Cheney's aim is more accurate than this poll.
Dick Cheney can not seem to aim!
Massachusetts ain't in New England.
I don't think of Vermont as New England --NE is rich people in conn and mass. We're better than that.
There is nothing wrong with being a rich person. That could just mean you worked hard and earned it.
To many in Vermont being on the dole is a sign of character, I guess. You know, proud not to have to work "for the man", rebates on your house paid by someone working 2 jobs, free health-care because "your poor", food stamps, etc. Plenty of time to write stupid blogs and protest whatever is the weekly "outrage". Life is good!
I hear ya!
Don' t do nothin for the man.
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