In case you're at home on a Friday night checking in on your favorite blog to see what your favorite legislature is up to, let me come to your aid.
They are inching their way toward adjournment. We're awaiting deals on the transportation budget, the capital budget, educating funding and the telecommunications bill, among other items. Both chambers are out on a break at the moment, due back in the 8 p.m. region. Meanwhile, the Thrush Tavern must be doing good business.
The House passed the controversial energy bill, 85-61, with the Vermont Yankee tax. Is the governor going to veto it? He says he has to read it first, as if he doesn't know what's in it.
It looks as though the Legislature will be back tomorrow, even if legislators will be sleeping in Rep. Jim McCullough's Williston B&B because there are no rooms at the Capital Plaza inn on account of Norwich University's graduation.
- Terri Hallenbeck