Every Tuesday around 1:15 p.m., you'll see House Democrats drifting into Room 11 at the Statehouse, and House Republicans into Room 10. It's caucus time, when the members discuss issues, raise and answer questions, sign get-well cards, and occasionally rant.
We reporters, along with lobbyists, the governor's staff and other hangers-on duck into the meetings to keep our fingers on the pulses.
Today, if you drifted into Room 10 around 1:15 p.m., you'd have seen Rep. Joe Baker, a West Rutland Republican, sitting alone at the table in front, and a couple of lobbyists in the audience, all of them wondering where everybody had gone.
To Finkerman's BBQ, as it turned out. Joe must not have read his e-mail, but the rest of the caucus did.
Minority Leader Steve Adams said no secret mission was on the agenda - just a chance to socialize. "Team building," he said. They talked about various bills due on the House floor this week, he said.
One Republican House member said, though, it was kind of nice to say whatever they wanted with no outsiders around.
That's something they might not want to get used to. Open caucuses are a healthy tradition.
- Terri Hallenbeck