To give you an indication of just how touchy the word "tax" is around the Statehouse these days, consider this.
House Speaker Gaye Symington ducked her head into the House Natural Resources and Energy Committee to check in with Chairman Robert Dostis late Friday afternoon. Dostis said something like they were firming up the new tax and everything was on schedule to pass out a global warming bill by the end of next week.
Symington couldn't speak because she was choking on the very air she breathed. New tax? There was not supposed to be any new taxes, she sputtered. And there I was sitting in the potential crossfire between them.
Dostis quickly recovered to say it was not a new tax, but a new way of measuring property taxes for such things as wind power projects or biomass plants based on how much power they produce rather than their unknown value. It's supposed to give developers more certainty when planning projects.
Symington relaxed and ducked back out of the room.
- Terri Hallenbeck